もちろん今まで通りESP8266(WROOM02)が必須です。具体的にはESP8266開発ボード(下記専用基板と部品)とLEPTON3とブレイクアウトボードにESP8266へUSBシリアル変換器とarduino IDEでマニュアル通りスケッチを書き込んで下さい。
Thermal Cam3 has been upgraded to Thermal Cam3x !!
the difference is adding thermal image detection. please add pre-learned models according to our manual.
this function depends upon iPhone GPU performance. so you can use this function with later than iPhone Xs above.
you can add your original pre-learned models through iPhone file app.
ESP8266(WROOM02) is essential. you need to purchase ESP8266 developing board(or our PCB with essential parts as follows) + Lepton breakout board + Lepton 3.0 or 3.5.
And write Arduino sketch according to our manual to ESP8266 with Arduino IDE and USB serial Board.