New Thermal Cam

New Thermal Cam 3X feature & function for COVID-19.

If LEPTON is not connected, the camera image will be displayed. A single tap on the screen will switch between the rear or front camera of iPhone. so Image recognition based on  iPhone rear or front camera.

①: When LEPTON via Rasperry Pi or ESP8266 is connected while displaying the rear or front camera , blue letters (Connect) are displayed

②: The logo is a button, and it switches to the download URL of AI sample data

③: A new black button has been added. When EPS8266 is connected, it becomes Color range switching button. When PI3 is connected, it becomes the memory point screen switching button.

④: Switch to iPhone camera image, thermography image, 3D image

⑤: Color change

New video !

Thermal Camバージョンパップ
バージョンアップしたThermal Cam3Xの動作確認用ビデオです。詳しい操作説明は以下のURLを参照して下さい

Technical instruction and manual

New Thermal Cam 3X feature and function for COVID-19 with Raspberry Pi 3+

コロナ対策機能追加(マスクのまま検温機能と温度精度の向上) In Japanese

Manual for ESP8266 connection

Manual for M5 Stack connection

Technical instruction for AI function(Yolo v3 Object Detection)

Technical instruction for Thermography(Dynamic range, Color range Side view, etc.,)

We add iPad Pro(4th generation) cellar model only. You can use our new feature and full functions.



Thermal Cam  B

for FLIR BOSON in Japanese only.

Thermal Cam Bの取扱説明です。
Thmal Cam for BOSON - W&T's diary
私たちの作った赤外線カメラを取り付けたESP8266とiPhoneをWiFiで接続するという発想のThermal Cam はFLIR LEPTON 1.0,3.0,3.5 で動作が可能です。 今回は同じような仕組みを使って、より精細な画像と...

昨年末よりラズベリーパイZeroとFLIR BOSON(VGA)専用ですが、同じくワイアレスでThermal Cam Bのアプリもリリースして今回操作機能を


* Download data(Pre-learned data for Thermal Cam 3X & B) available.

Thermal Cam 3X & B 学習データ (Pre-learned data for 3X & B)


LEPTON infrared image: recognition of car, human, bicycle, large vehicle, sidewalk, dog

LEPTON赤外線画像を対象:車、人間、自転車、大型車両、歩道、犬、グー、チョキ、パー、顔の認識 32Bit)


For iPhone IN and OUT camera only

Standard RGB image is targeted: 80 kinds of object detection, test data to confirm how much is recognized by infrared image. This is a general COCO 16bit

(標準RGB画像が対象:80種類の物体検出で、赤外線カメラでどの程度認識するかを確認するための試験用データ。一般的なCOCOです 16bit)


For iPhone IN and OUT camera only

Standard RGB image is targeted: 80 kinds of object detection, test data to confirm how much is recognized by infrared image. This is a general COCO 32bit

(標準RGB画像が対象:80種類の物体検出で、赤外線カメラでどの程度認識するかを確認するための試験用データ。一般的なCOCOです 32bit)

LEPTON infrared image: recognition of face on mask for COVID-19 and ✊✌️🖐


